High and low operating temperatures cause rubber seals to wear out quickly

Last updated: 20 Feb 2023  |  2033 Views  | 

High and low operating temperatures cause rubber seals to wear out quickly

High and low operating temperatures cause rubber seals to wear out quickly

Solve the problem easily with this method

Too high operating temperature or too low It will result in the rubber seal becoming hardened, inelastic, and eventually deteriorating quickly. There are 3 types of rubber raw materials for high temperature applications. The top most popular choice is silicone rubber, Silicone has 3 grades, QS silicone, heat resistance +220°C, QM silicone, heat resistance +270°C. And the top one is QH silicone with the highest heat resistance of +315°C, next is Viton rubber, heat resistance +260°C and EPDM rubber, heat resistance at +160°C. It can be used continuously and for a long time, that is. Choose rubber raw materials that have the ability to withstand heat more than 50 °C higher than the actual operating temperature.

Next is the cold resistant rubber material group. For applications at low temperatures of 10°C, 8°C or even negative temperatures, three are recommended: silicone rubber, which is the most popular rubber raw material, followed by EPDM and NR rubber. Minimum operating temperature of -50°C



Which our team has come across cases in which customers use NBR rubber seals to use in a cold room at a temperature of 8°C, they encountered problems after using it for a while, the rubber seal broke, replaced the new Sup, and the rubber seal was broken repeatedly 3-4 times. Until we met with AlphaSeals team, we found the reason why NBR rubber seals are not suitable for low temperature applications. which changed the new material to silicone rubber It can support the best low temperature applications. Can be used for a long time do not need to change often save cost reduce waste rubber products reduce global warming

Therefore, when choosing a rubber seal to use, do not forget to check the ability to withstand the temperature of that rubber seal as well. Which can consult with the dealer or have the AlphaSeals brand's Engineer team help take care of it.


If you would like more information or would like to discuss the choice of rubber seals can inquire with the brand AlphaSeals (PTI Global Products Company Limited)  LINE OA : @PTIGLOBAL  Email: info@ptigroups.com  Tel: 022577145 MB : 0863077319

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