Trick for choosing GR-S-001 V.S. GR- S-001CR

Last updated: 13 Mar 2023  |  803 Views  | 

Trick for choosing GR-S-001 V.S. GR- S-001CR

Trick for choosing GR-S-001 V.S. GR- S-001CR

Both GR-S-001 rubber seal and GR-S-001CR rubber seal are rubber seals with S-profile cross-section. that are produced by the extrusion process Suitable for mounting on glass edges 5 mm, but in the similarities there are hidden differences as follows

  • GR-S-001 rubber seal is a rubber seal made from EPDM rubber raw materials so it is unique in that it has a wide operating temperature range -50 to +160 ° C, able to support use in variable environments, both heat, cold, resistant to UV Ozone, sunlight, water and steam very well Lasts for more than 5 years, but has limits on oil resistance.
  • Rubber seal GR-S-001CR is a rubber seal manufactured from CR rubber or neoprene rubber making it resistant to both oil and chemicals Operating temperature range -40 to +140°C can withstand the environment similar to the rubber seal GR-S-001. But most importantly, the AlphaSeals brand GR-S-001CR rubber seal can also withstand fire.

And all this is the difference between GR-S-001 rubber seal and GR-S-001CR rubber seal.

And here at AlphaSeals, we have both of these rubber seals available for immediate delivery. Available starting from 1 roll or 50 meters or more.


If interested, ask for more details at AlphaSeal brand.

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