3 tips for connecting corners of rubber profile seals

Last updated: 16 Apr 2023  |  899 Views  | 

3 tips for connecting corners of rubber profile seals

3 tips for connecting corners of rubber profile seals

1. Cold Splicing

  • It's the easiest corner. using fast setting glue such as cyanoacrylate glue or super glue
  • Pros : Inexpensive, easy to find glue Connect the corner by yourself immediately.
  • Limitations : Beauty and strength at joints are inferior to hot splicing and molding splicing.

2. Hot Splicing

  • Hot Splicing is a method of joining corners by using glue and heat to join the corners. using a bonding machine
  • Advantages : The work piece is more beautiful and stronger than cold splicing corner joints.
  • Disadvantages : The price is higher than the Cold Splicing type and the strength is inferior to the Molding Splicing type.

3. Molding Splicing

  • Molding Splicing is a corner joining method using the same rubber compound as the seal. And heat to keep the rubber in shape. There are both Compression Molding and Injection Molding.
  • Advantages : The rubber seal at the seam is stronger than both Cold Splicing and Hot Splicing.
  • Limitation : High cost and need to order mass production.

All 3 ways of joining corners of rubber profile seals have different advantages and limitations. It depends on the nature of your needs.


You can ask for advice on connecting the rubber profile corner seals at the AlphaSeals brand.

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