Outstanding features! Silicone Rubber Door Seal

Last updated: 31 Jul 2023  |  1276 Views  | 

Outstanding features! Silicone Rubber Door Seal

Outstanding features! Silicone Rubber Door Seal

Silicone rubber door seal It is a rubber seal that has been produced by the Extrusion Process. There are a variety of cross-sectional shapes and sizes according to the specification for installation with each model of door edge.

Such as D-Profile, e-Profile, U-Channel, T-Profile, P-Profile, Omega, Mushroom or other special profiles suitable for attaching the panel to the incubator door edge, refrigeration door edge, Machine door edge, dishwasher door edge, building structure door edge, etc.

Choosing to use silicone door seals has many advantages as follows

  • High heat resistance 220°C / +270°C /+315°C
  • Cold resistance as low as -70°C
  • Smooth surface, easy to clean
  • Does not cause mold and bacteria
  • Flexible, good recovery
  • Water resistant, UV Ozone and aging resistant.

And at AlphaSeals, we have a service to produce silicone door seals according to your specification. Comes with silicone rubber raw materials that are available for you to choose from a variety of grades such as Food Grade, Medical Grade, Oil Resistant Grade, Extra High Heat Resistant Grade, etc. Can be produced in a variety of colors such as clear white, opaque white. , black, gray, red, blue, etc. Comes with corner service so that you are most convenient to assemble and install


If you want to order the production of rubber door seals. You can ask for more information at AlphaSeals brand.

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