"Exploring the Impact of Hardness on Rubber Seal Quality : A Guide to Making the Right Choice"

Last updated: 12 Dec 2023  |  863 Views  | 

"Exploring the Impact of Hardness on Rubber Seal Quality : A Guide to Making the Right Choice"

"Exploring the Impact of Hardness on Rubber Seal Quality : A Guide to Making the Right Choice"

The hardness of rubber seals is crucial because it relates to the amount of crosslinking in the rubber, a key property in engineering rubber seal design. This hardness determines the quality and standards of rubber seal products. The hardness of rubber seals primarily depends on the production formula.

The hardness of rubber seals can be measured using a Hardness Tester, which assesses the resistance to indentation by an indenter. A harder rubber seal will show less indentation depth under the same force and indenter size compared to a softer seal, indicating higher hardness. The hardness of rubber seals is often measured in Shore A units (for solid rubber products) and tested according to the ASTM D2240 standard.

When selecting rubber seals, besides the type of seal, consider the hardness as a top priority. This ensures maximum efficiency, longevity of use, reduced need for frequent replacements, less rubber waste, and helps in reducing global warming.

At AlphaSeals, we offer custom production of extrusion rubber seals and profile rubber seals according to your specifications. We can produce rubber seals with hardness ranging from 40-90 Shore A, designed to suit your application needs. For more information or to place an order, feel free to contact the AlphaSeals brand.



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