Last updated: 17 Mar 2024 | 756 Views |
Best Practices for Choosing Steam and Hot Water Resistant Rubber Seals.
Did you know? Not all rubber seals are capable of withstanding both steam and hot water, especially at operating temperatures exceeding 100C. Some types of rubber seals might have limitations in continuously enduring temperatures above 100°C, leading to premature deterioration, shorter lifespan, or even a lack of resistance to steam, such as in the case of general-grade Viton and silicone seals.
Therefore, the best approach to selecting rubber seals that can efficiently resist both steam and hot water is to opt for EPDM seals. EPDM is the only type of rubber seal that can endure high temperatures up to +160°C, effectively resisting both hot water and steam. Importantly, choosing EPDM seals with the appropriate manufacturing formula and from a skilled manufacturer is crucial to ensure that your EPDM seals can perform optimally against hot water and steam, extending their service life, reducing frequent replacements, cutting costs, minimizing rubber waste, and contributing to the reduction of global warming effects.
If you are in search of steam and hot water-resistant rubber seals, feel free to inquire, consult, or place your order with AlphaSeals for efficient and durable solutions.
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